Eating Plants

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5 reasons you don’t need to worry about how to get enough protein on a vegan diet

The number one question people have about veganism is often how to get enough protein on a vegan diet. People are so concerned about this one nutrient over all other essential aspects of food because we have been sold the “the protein myth.” For decades, the animal agriculture industry has pushed the misinformation that we …

5 reasons you don’t need to worry about how to get enough protein on a vegan diet Read More »

Easy transition to vegan in 7 weeks - the only thing you'll regret is that you didn't do it sooner!

Easy transition to vegan in 7 weeks – you’ll never look back!

People transition to vegan diets for three overarching reasons: social justice concerns, personal and public health and slowing the climate crisis. With a strong understanding of the positive difference you’re making and a few tools, you can make a successful, easy transition to vegan eating that is energizing rather than daunting. Of course, no one …

Easy transition to vegan in 7 weeks – you’ll never look back! Read More »

Plant based diets and fertility

5 powerful ways plant based diets and fertility are linked

Fertility is influenced both by uncontrollable genetic factors and modifiable lifestyle factors, such as exercise, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and diet. If you have struggled with infertility or would simply like to improve your chances of conceiving and carrying a healthy pregnancy, there are a few modifiable risk factors that you can control. One of …

5 powerful ways plant based diets and fertility are linked Read More »

Can going vegan help with acne? 5 effective ways it can quickly clear your skin

Can going vegan help with acne? 5 effective ways it can quickly clear your skin

Whether a teenager or an adult, if you have acne, you’ve likely scoured the internet for evidence-based strategies to clear it. Encouragingly, one of the most impactful strategies is also one that’s most in your control. According to a 2022 study published in Clinics in Dermatology, the elimination of animal products, the introduction of plant …

Can going vegan help with acne? 5 effective ways it can quickly clear your skin Read More »

Do vegans have better skin? 8 science-backed ways a vegan diet helps you glow

Do vegans have better skin? 8 science-backed ways a vegan diet helps you glow

According to a 2022 study published in Clinics in Dermatology, the elimination of animal products and the introduction of plant foods and vitamin B12 supplements may have a protective role in skin diseases. And, according to a 2020 literature review published in the Journal of Clinical Aesthetic Dermatology, a whole-foods, plant-based diet (WFPB) – which …

Do vegans have better skin? 8 science-backed ways a vegan diet helps you glow Read More »

Is a vegan diet anti aging? 5 guaranteed ways science shows it keeps you younger

Is a vegan diet anti-aging? 5 guaranteed ways science shows it keeps you younger

According to a 2020 literature review published in the Journal of Clinical Aesthetic Dermatology, a whole-food, plant-based diet helps prevent and even reverse skin aging. According to Kaiser Permanente, a whole-foods plant-based (WFPB) diet is “an eating plan that influences lots of plant foods in their whole, unprocessed form, such as vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, …

Is a vegan diet anti-aging? 5 guaranteed ways science shows it keeps you younger Read More »

6 things you didn't know about veganism and eczema improvement

6 things you didn’t know about veganism and eczema improvement

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin disease medically known as “atopic dermatitis.” It affects one in ten people at some point in their lifetime, and it’s on the rise. Drugs are often the first line of defense that doctors recommend, advising steroids and immunosuppressants before advising food elimination diets. Yet research indicates we should likely …

6 things you didn’t know about veganism and eczema improvement Read More »

Can a vegan diet reverse kidney disease? 5 scientific reasons it's your best bet to stop it

Can a vegan diet reverse kidney disease? 5 scientific reasons it’s your best bet to stop it

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the top ten causes of premature mortality in the U.S., and it’s on the rise. The vast majority of people – 96% – with mild to moderate impairments in kidney function go undiagnosed. Even people with severely impaired kidney function go undiagnosed 48% of the time. Kidney disease …

Can a vegan diet reverse kidney disease? 5 scientific reasons it’s your best bet to stop it Read More »

6 powerful ways veganism and dementia prevention are connected

6 powerful ways veganism and dementia prevention are connected

About 55 million people suffer from dementia globally, as of September 2022 – and it’s growing. By 2030, it’s expected to hit 78 million, and by 2050, 139 million. Dementia has risen to the fourth leading cause of disability adjusted life years in the US, according to a 2018 study in JAMA.  Since dementia is …

6 powerful ways veganism and dementia prevention are connected Read More »

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