Climate Justice

veganism and climate change

Veganism and climate change: the hidden solution

What’s the link between veganism and climate change? Shifting to a vegan diet is the single biggest action each of us can take to stop the climate crisis, according to the largest-ever food production analysis conducted in 2018 and published in the journal Science. Researchers assessed food’s impact by accounting for its land use, greenhouse …

Veganism and climate change: the hidden solution Read More »

Beset 10 vegan infographics to make the ultimate case for veganism

Best 10 vegan infographics to make the ultimate case for veganism

People are often more interested in information when presented visually. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. So, it follows that infographics can provide an avenue to communicate information effectively. Infographics incorporate both visuals and text to allow people to absorb information more easily. I’ve created the following vegan infographics to communicate …

Best 10 vegan infographics to make the ultimate case for veganism Read More »

Why don't vegans eat cheese? Top 5 secrets the industry doesn't want you to know

Why don’t vegans eat cheese? 5 secrets the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know

Like many people, you might wonder, “Why don’t vegans eat cheese? Don’t cows need to be milked? You don’t have to kill cows for milk, anyway. And isn’t it a good source of calcium?” Yet common myths like these are simply marketing facades that the industry promotes to fuel our insatiable consumption of cheese. Vegans …

Why don’t vegans eat cheese? 5 secrets the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know Read More »

Why do people go vegan? The ultimate case for veganism

Why do people go vegan? The ultimate case for veganism

Before I beccame vegan, I wondered, like many people, “Why do people go vegan?” Even when I was vegetarian, it didn’t seem to me on the surface like dairy or eggs caused harm. “So, what’s the issue?” I thought. When I was a Rotary Youth Exchange student in Chile ten years ago, I ate meat. …

Why do people go vegan? The ultimate case for veganism Read More »

Is wool vegan? 5 secrets of the wool industry

Is wool vegan? 5 secrets of the wool industry

Many people can understand why vegans don’t eat meat. But what about animal products that seem on the surface not to require harming the animal to use, like wool? Is wool vegan? Wool is not vegan because it is a product of animal exploitation. Most wool is taken from sheep, as well as goats, alpacas …

Is wool vegan? 5 secrets of the wool industry Read More »

Why don't vegans eat eggs? 7 eye-opening reasons the world is better off without eggs

Why don’t vegans eat eggs? 7 reasons the world would be better off without them

If you haven’t thought much about the egg industry, it’s natural to wonder, “Why don’t vegans eat eggs?” On the surface, it doesn’t seem like there’s a problem. Chickens naturally lay eggs, which most people think are healthy to eat – what’s the issue? The answer is that vegans don’t eat eggs because they avoid …

Why don’t vegans eat eggs? 7 reasons the world would be better off without them Read More »

Why don't vegans drink milk? 5 secrets the dairy industry doesn't want you to know

Why don’t vegans drink milk? 5 secrets the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know

Like many non-vegans, you might wonder, “Why don’t vegans drink milk? Don’t cows need to be milked? You don’t have to kill cows for milk, anyway. And isn’t it a good source of calcium?” Yet common myths like these are simply marketing facades that the industry promotes to fuel our insatiable consumption of dairy. Vegans …

Why don’t vegans drink milk? 5 secrets the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know Read More »

Why don't vegans eat fish? 5 little-known reasons we're all better off leaving fish in the ocean

Why don’t vegans eat fish? 5 little-known reasons we’re all better off leaving fish in the ocean

It’s often harder for people to feel compassion for aquatic animals like fish because they seem so foreign and distant to us. So, why don’t vegans eat fish? Vegans don’t eat fish in part because they do not consume any sentient animals or animal products. Instead, they eat plant-based foods. Many vegans also don’t eat …

Why don’t vegans eat fish? 5 little-known reasons we’re all better off leaving fish in the ocean Read More »

Easy transition to vegan in 7 weeks - the only thing you'll regret is that you didn't do it sooner!

Easy transition to vegan in 7 weeks – you’ll never look back!

People transition to vegan diets for three overarching reasons: social justice concerns, personal and public health and slowing the climate crisis. With a strong understanding of the positive difference you’re making and a few tools, you can make a successful, easy transition to vegan eating that is energizing rather than daunting. Of course, no one …

Easy transition to vegan in 7 weeks – you’ll never look back! Read More »

Buying local meat from small farms? You've been fooled

Buying local meat from small farms? How marketing fooled you

Many people erroneously believe that buying local meat from small-scale animal farms will solve the environmental, public health and ethical issues of factory farming. Firstly, 70% of cows and about 99% of other animal products in the U.S. come from factory farms. And despite marketing messages that want you to believe small farms are a …

Buying local meat from small farms? How marketing fooled you Read More »

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