Human Rights

Beset 10 vegan infographics to make the ultimate case for veganism

Best 10 vegan infographics to make the ultimate case for veganism

People are often more interested in information when presented visually. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. So, it follows that infographics can provide an avenue to communicate information effectively. Infographics incorporate both visuals and text to allow people to absorb information more easily. I’ve created the following vegan infographics to communicate …

Best 10 vegan infographics to make the ultimate case for veganism Read More »

Why don't vegans eat cheese? Top 5 secrets the industry doesn't want you to know

Why don’t vegans eat cheese? 5 secrets the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know

Like many people, you might wonder, “Why don’t vegans eat cheese? Don’t cows need to be milked? You don’t have to kill cows for milk, anyway. And isn’t it a good source of calcium?” Yet common myths like these are simply marketing facades that the industry promotes to fuel our insatiable consumption of cheese. Vegans …

Why don’t vegans eat cheese? 5 secrets the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know Read More »

Why don't vegans eat eggs? 7 eye-opening reasons the world is better off without eggs

Why don’t vegans eat eggs? 7 reasons the world would be better off without them

If you haven’t thought much about the egg industry, it’s natural to wonder, “Why don’t vegans eat eggs?” On the surface, it doesn’t seem like there’s a problem. Chickens naturally lay eggs, which most people think are healthy to eat – what’s the issue? The answer is that vegans don’t eat eggs because they avoid …

Why don’t vegans eat eggs? 7 reasons the world would be better off without them Read More »

Why don't vegans drink milk? 5 secrets the dairy industry doesn't want you to know

Why don’t vegans drink milk? 5 secrets the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know

Like many non-vegans, you might wonder, “Why don’t vegans drink milk? Don’t cows need to be milked? You don’t have to kill cows for milk, anyway. And isn’t it a good source of calcium?” Yet common myths like these are simply marketing facades that the industry promotes to fuel our insatiable consumption of dairy. Vegans …

Why don’t vegans drink milk? 5 secrets the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know Read More »

Why don't vegans eat fish? 5 little-known reasons we're all better off leaving fish in the ocean

Why don’t vegans eat fish? 5 little-known reasons we’re all better off leaving fish in the ocean

It’s often harder for people to feel compassion for aquatic animals like fish because they seem so foreign and distant to us. So, why don’t vegans eat fish? Vegans don’t eat fish in part because they do not consume any sentient animals or animal products. Instead, they eat plant-based foods. Many vegans also don’t eat …

Why don’t vegans eat fish? 5 little-known reasons we’re all better off leaving fish in the ocean Read More »

How can I help end world hunger? Surprise: go vegan

How can I help end world hunger? Surprise: go vegan

One in nine people is chronically hungry, and it’s getting worse. According to the 2022 State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI) report, 828 million people are currently impacted by hunger.  Like many good-hearted people, you may have wondered, “How can I help end world hunger?” Although world hunger is a systemic issue, an …

How can I help end world hunger? Surprise: go vegan Read More »

How veganism is the simple solution for world hunger

How veganism is the simple solution for world hunger

One in nine people is chronically hungry, and it’s getting worse. According to the 2022 State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI) report, 828 million people are currently impacted by hunger.  Although world hunger is a systemic issue, perhaps the least-known solution for world hunger is also the most tangible: adopting a vegan diet.  …

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Is shrimp vegan? 5 ways shrimp threaten people and the planet

Is shrimp vegan? 5 proven ways shrimp threaten people and the planet

As some people question whether shrimp even feel pain (they do), you might wonder – is shrimp vegan? No, shrimp not vegan because they are sentient creatures. But the problems with shrimp extend far beyond that. Many vegans don’t eat shrimp for five other significant reasons that you may never have heard.  Farmed or wild-caught: …

Is shrimp vegan? 5 proven ways shrimp threaten people and the planet Read More »

More health and wealth for farmers through plant agriculture

“What about the farmers?” More health and wealth for farmers through plant agriculture

People sometimes object that veganism disregards the livelihoods of farmers. After all, if everyone stopped demanding animal products and plant agriculture took over, what would animal farmers do? Progress involves creating new and better jobs Firstly, we don’t determine ethics based on economics.  War, the prison industry, and the tobacco industry all create jobs. That …

“What about the farmers?” More health and wealth for farmers through plant agriculture Read More »

Solutions to environmental racism: the 1 simple thing you haven't heard

Solutions to environmental racism: the 1 urgent thing no one talks about

When you search for “solutions to environmental racism,” credible sources enumerate important parts of the solution: educate yourself, amplify the voices of those who are impacted, write to your representatives, speak out against corporations and boycott products from offending industries. But they don’t tell you clearly the most tangible action you can take. Unless you …

Solutions to environmental racism: the 1 urgent thing no one talks about Read More »

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