Public Health

Why don't vegans eat eggs? 7 eye-opening reasons the world is better off without eggs

Why don’t vegans eat eggs? 7 reasons the world would be better off without them

If you haven’t thought much about the egg industry, it’s natural to wonder, “Why don’t vegans eat eggs?” On the surface, it doesn’t seem like there’s a problem. Chickens naturally lay eggs, which most people think are healthy to eat – what’s the issue? The answer is that vegans don’t eat eggs because they avoid …

Why don’t vegans eat eggs? 7 reasons the world would be better off without them Read More »

Buying local meat from small farms? You've been fooled

Buying local meat from small farms? How marketing fooled you

Many people erroneously believe that buying local meat from small-scale animal farms will solve the environmental, public health and ethical issues of factory farming. Firstly, 70% of cows and about 99% of other animal products in the U.S. come from factory farms. And despite marketing messages that want you to believe small farms are a …

Buying local meat from small farms? How marketing fooled you Read More »

Antibiotic resistance and factory farming are linked nefariously. Overuse of antibiotics and unsanitary conditions on factory farms are squandering our life-saving antibiotics.

Antibiotic resistance and factory farming: on the edge of apocalypse

In the future, a minor condition like an ear infection, strep throat, or an infected cut could be deadly. Medical treatments like chemotherapy, treatment for premature babies and organ transplants, may be too risky to perform. Some scientists estimate that by 2050, 10 million people a year will die from antibiotic-resistant infections, surpassing the number …

Antibiotic resistance and factory farming: on the edge of apocalypse Read More »

MyPlate dairy recommendations continue to misrepresent dairy as a health food despite its clear link to disease. Why does the government insist on promoting dairy?

Why are MyPlate Dairy recommendations lying to us?

MyPlate dairy recommendations continue to misrepresent dairy as a health food. Yet researchers have known for decades about the link between dairy and many chronic diseases like cancer. Why is this? And what’s so bad about dairy? Dairy wreaks havoc on our health Cow’s milk is not the wholesome product we’ve been led to believe …

Why are MyPlate Dairy recommendations lying to us? Read More »

How to prevent future pandemics: the one thing we must do

How to prevent future pandemics: the one thing we must do

Three out of every four emerging infectious diseases come from an animal source. There are hundreds of thousands of pathogens out there that could spill over as the next pandemic. To know how to prevent future pandemics, we must understand how inextricable our use of animals is from the emergence of major past and present …

How to prevent future pandemics: the one thing we must do Read More »

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